Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

The human female reproductive system performs the following functions:
a) Formation of eggs
b) Reception of sperms during copulation
c) Providing a conducive environment for fertilisation
d) Providing shelter and nourishment to the growing embryo.
The female reproductive system is associated with the formation and maturation of the egg and the feeding and protection of the developing embryo inside the womb.

Female Reproductive Organ
The female reproductive organs include a pair of ovaries, a pair of fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina and vulva.
Human ovaries are a pair of almond shaped structures about 3cm long, 1.5cm wide lying one on either side of the vertebral column in the abdominal cavity. Each ovary is attached to the dorsal abdominal wall by a mesentery called mesovarium.

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