Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Exercise biologi VII-2

1.       Interdependence between living things and their environment is called …..
a.  population
b. community
c. ecosystem        
d. individual
2.       The non-living factors in an ecosystem are known as…….
a.  biotic
b. a-biotic
c.  environment  
d. population
3.       Which one of the next statement is true ?
a.  individual is one organism
b. population is a group different organism
c.  community is a collection of same population            
d. population won’t change from time to time
4.       Plants are included into producer because they …..
a. get their food from another organism
b. can make their own food
c. can’t make their own food
d. get their food from their environment
5.       The organism is included decomposer, if it is able to ….
a. compose organic material from in- organic material
b. decompose organic material into organic material
c. decompose in organic material into organic material
d. compose in organic material from organic material
6.       A student observes the 5m2 of ecosystem. He finds 5 grasshoppers, 20 ants, 10 caterpillars, and 5 roses . The population density of caterpillars is….
a. 1 /m2
b. 2 /m2
c.  3 /m2
d. 4 /m2
7.       The primary energy source in  ecosystem is ……
a. water
b. air
c. sunlight             
d. soil
8.       Which is the main producer in water ecosystem ?
a. fishes
b. planktons
c. zooplanktons
d. phytoplankton

9.       Which group is the carnivore animals ?
a.  dog, cat, tiger
b. chicken, mouse, duct
c. earth worm, cockroach, caterpillar
d. goat, cow, elephant
10.   In the food chain, which organism gets the smallest of energy ?
a.  Producer
b. consumer I
c. consumer II
d. top consumer
11.   The following statement is an example that biotic influences the a- biotic component……
a.             The soil become fertile  if there are earth worms
b.The soil  become infertile if there isn’t enough water
c.             The plants will die if there isn’t enough  water
d.      Plants can make the water pollution
12.   The next are the pairs of organisms, which one is the parasitic symbiosis ?
a.       rabbit and  wolf   
b.      humans and bacteria coli in their colon
c.       tape worm and human     
d.      bacteria  and fungi in the land
13.   Two species live together, one of them gets the place for live, and another doesn’t suffer.  What symbiotic this interrelationship ?
a.  mutualism
b.  parasitism  
c.  predation
d. commensalism
14.   What is the relationship between cat and mouse ?
a.  mutualism
b.  parasitism  
c.  predator- prey          
d. commensalism
16.  The meaning of ecosystem is … .
A.   a single character in an area in certain place and time
B.   a knowledge which studies living things and non-living things
C.   a group of populations in an area which interact each other
D.   a relationship between organisms and their environment

17.  The right statement below is… .
A.     all the organisms of one species in a community are called individual.
B.     all the organisms living together in a certain area make up a community.
C.     the part of the biosphere that surrounds an organism is called ecosystem.
D.     the relationships between organisms and their environment is called biosphere.   
18.  Look at these illustration below.


The artificial ecosystem is shown by number … .



A.   1                                                                                 
B.   2
C.   3
D.   4                                                         

19.  Look at the figure below


The niche of snake is … .
 A.   producer                     
B.   primary consumer
C.   decomposer
D.   secondary consumer   
20.  A group of frogs, a group of rice plants, a group of caterpillars, and a group of snakes which live in area is called ….
a.   individual
b.   population
c.   community
d.   ecosystem

21.  What is the main energy source of an ecosystem ?
a.   sunlight
b.   carbon dioxide
c.   oxygen
d.   water

23.  An interaction between orchid and mango trees is included as … symbiosis
a.   mutualism
b.   commensalisms
c.   parasitism
d.   antibiosis

24.  The right order of energy flow in an ecosystem is ….
a.   sun light à green plant à consumer 1 à consumer 2
b.   consumer 2 à consumer 1 à consumer 3 à decomposer
c.   green plant à sun light à consumer 1 à decomposer
d.   consumer 1 à consumer 2 à producer à decomposer
25.  In an ecosystem we can find some organism below
1.   a grasshopper                          4.   ten grasses
2.   five ants                                  5.   five stones
3.   a snail                                      6.   four caterpillars
Based on the list above , the right statement is …

2 , 5
1 , 3, 4
2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
3 , 4
2 , 5 , 6
1 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
1 , 3
2 , 4 , 6
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6
5 , 6
1 , 2 , 3
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5

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